viernes, agosto 21, 2009

"Players Week",Brian Farid de Explicit!!!! SPANISH & ENGLISH VERSION


Fue un honor hacer esta entrevista y espero hablar contigo pronto y leer su blog. Gracias por todo lo que estás haciendo para promover este deporte que todos amamos. Muchas gracias por su apoyo, Brian Farid.


Nombre:Brian Farid
Llevo jugando al Paintball 14 años.
Ciudad: Crecí en Concord pero ahora vivo en Woodland,California.
¿en que equipo juegas?
Juego en San Francisco Explicit.

¿en que equipos has jugado? E jugado para Agent Orange, Fallen, Mavericks, Old School Hussle, Republic, Rodents, Guns 4 Hire, Odonto y ahora en San Francisco Explicit.

¿que marcadoras has tenido?
Bueno,llevo jugando mucho tiempo,por lo cual he disparado todas las marcadoras de paintball que puedas imaginar.Haré una lista con lo mejor que he disparado empezé con una simple marcadora de 12 gramos llamada Splat Master, Hammer pump, Sheridon VM68, F2 illistrator, Tippmann custom, Air Gun Designs Auto-mag, Air Gun Designs Mini-mag, M2 Designs Micro-cocker, Automag, WDP Angel LED, WDP Angel LCD, WDP Angel 4, Dye DM4, Dye DM5, Dye DM6, Planet Eclipse 07 Ego, Planet Eclipse 08 Ego, Planet Eclipse 09 Ego.Es curioso y sorprendente ver como ha evolucionado el mundo de las marcadoras,desde un simple disparo a disparo a una technologia brutal donde disparas inumerables bolas por segundo.Tengo que admitir que Eclipse es la merjor marca de paintball que he utilizado, son rápidas, precisas, fáciles de mantener y fiables.

¿còmo empezaste a jugar paintball? Empezé jugando en el cumpleaños de un amigo cuando tenia tan solo 15 años,hasta entonces,yo no sabia que era el paintball,yo solo habia jugado a lasers.Ese mismo dia me enganchó y desempeñando todo lo que ha venido desde entonces.

¿tu primer torneo? Mi primer torneo fué en un campo de alquiler local llamado Venture Games en California,donde jugamos en una ladera utilizando arboles y bunkers de maderas como obstaculos.Incluso habian granadas de humo.Si mal no recuerdo quedamos 2os por encima de unos amigos que eran mayores que nosotros.Pero en realidad eso no era lo importante,jugabamos para divertirnos,no importaba si quedabamos primeros o ultimos,lo importante era divertirse que fué lo que hicimos.

¿el mas recordado?
El que as recuerdo es el torneo XPSL Bakersfield del 2008,despues de ganarlo el año anterior con 4 marcadoras de alquiler,por entonce smis amigos y yo jugabamos para Odonto. Siempr ehabiamos tenido una amistosa rivalidad con el equipo Splat Kids que fueron grande sy amistosos rivales.Ese año jugabamos las finales contra ellos,al mejor de 3.Sacaron a mis traseros y 2 delanteros,solo quedé yo,y de Splat Kids tansolo quedaba uno activo.Le dispare unas cuantas veces en la mascara pensando que le habia dado,de repente mi marcadora dejó de funcionar y me apuré a arreglarla,fué cuando sali del mi obstaculo,pensando que el estaba eliminado,sin saber que un ref me habia dado el Out ami,le disparé en la espalda para asegurarme de que estaba fuera,muchos se quejaron a los arbitros que esa actitud fué antideportiva y le dieron esa partida a ellos.La verdad es que las 2 siguientes las ganaron de manera hionrosa,se merecian ese primer puesto.

¿Como llegaste a ser un jugador de Explicit?
Yo ya me reuní con Rob y su esposa en anteriores eventos,en algunos campeonatos y en el campo de alquiler en Antioquia.Ya habiamos hablado muchas veces de jugar juntos y demás,en algun torneo o cosas asi.Pero todo se zanjó cuando Odon se disolvió en 2008.Rob me llamo inmediatamente,ami,y amis amigos cercanos,Bryan Hammond y Adam Florendo.Ami siempre me ha gustado la dedicación d elos equipos y Rob tenia ese pensamiento.Nuestro primer torneo con ellos fué la NPPL D2 de 2008.Alli supe que no solo pertenecia a un equipo,sino a una familia también.

¿Que significa para ti tu equipo?

Para mi Explicit es una familia,tenemos un vinculo muy especial,cada dia es mas fuerte y mas estrecho,es una segunda familia.

¿Que opinión tienes sobre el paintball en España?
La mayor parte la he conocido por Malaga Beach y las coberturas de Millenium alli.El torneo de Málga parecia increible.Creo que la millenium hace un gran trabajo para promover el paintball,y además de una manera muy profesional,es bueno saber que hay gente como ellos o como tu que está promoviendo el paintball dandole mas popularidad,de una manera positiva como este blog.Cosas asi mantiene vivo a este deporte internacionalmente.

¿Donde crees que te encontrarás dentro de 10 años? 10 años es mucho tiempo,y muchas cosas pueden cambiar,tendré 40 años y supongo que seguiré siendo bombero en Davis.Pero de lo que estoy seguro es de que mi corazon y mi cuerpo estarán siempre dispuestos a seguir jugando.Supongo que no de una manera profesional.Jugaré al paintball siempre que pueda caminar.Y si en esos 10 años tengo un hijo,espero poder pasarles este deporte.Prometo que seguire jugando dentro de 10 años.

¿Cuantas cosas as dejado atrás por el paintball? E sacrificado mucho por el paintball,amigos,escursiones,trabajo y hoy en dia,el trabajo.He movido mis turnos para poder seguir jugando.Mientras mis compañeros se levantan para ir al campo y de excursión,yo me levanto temprano para trabajar,todo,para salvar los fines de semana para entrenar y acudir a torneos.He llegado a estar de servicio 24,48 y 72 horas sin tan siquiera dormir,para poder acudir a los entrenamientos.No solo eso,sino que tengo grandes lesiones,la espalda aplastada,las rodillas muy descolocadas,pero no cambiaria nada,todo eso vale la pena,sin este deporte,seria un miserable,creo que no podria hacer frente a la ira y al estrés de esta vida sino fuera descargandome en el campo.Es mi forma preferida de eliminar el estrés.

Se ha rumoreado sobre la incorporación de un jugador de NE Hurricane a las filas de SF Explicit. ¿Que puedes contarnos sobre eso? Es eso justamente,un rumor,aunque son un gran equipo y son una gran franquicia ademas de unos gran jugadores,nosotros no tenemos nada que ver con ningun traspaso.Pero lo que si puedo decirte es de la adquisición de Greg Siewers del equipo OC Bushwackers.Estamos ansiosos de empezar a jugar con el,su talento y sus habilidades son valiosas para nuestro equipo,esperamos jugar con el en DC.

Greg Siewers ya es de Explicit.

Gracias por tu tiempo,para mi y para el paintball español,ha sido un placer. Un gran abrazo.


It was an honor to do this interview for you and I look forward to talking to you again soon and reading your blog. Thank you for everything you are doing to promote this sport that we all love.
Thank you so much for your support,
Brian Farid

Name: Brian Farid
Years: I have been playing paintball for 14 Years
City: I grew up in Concord, California but now live in Woodland, California

What team you play?
I play for San Francisco Explicit.

What teams have you played?
I have played for Agent Orange, Fallen, Mavericks, Old School Hussle, Republic, Rodents, Guns 4 Hire, Odonto and now San Francisco Explicit.

What paintball markers have you had?
Well I have been around for a long time so I have shot just about every paintball gun you can imagine. I will list them to the best of my memory starting with the single shot 12 gram air pistol called the Splat Master, Hammer pump, Sheridon VM68, F2 illistrator, Tippmann custom, Air Gun Designs Auto-mag, Air Gun Designs Mini-mag, M2 Designs Micro-cocker, Automag, WDP Angel LED, WDP Angel LCD, WDP Angel 4, Dye DM4, Dye DM5, Dye DM6, Planet Eclipse 07 Ego, Planet Eclipse 08 Ego, Planet Eclipse 09 Ego. Its been amazing to watch the evolution of paintball guns over the years I have been playing. They have gone from single shot pistols to these amazing High-tech electronic lazer acurate maching guns. I would have to admit Planet Ecplicpse by far is the best marker I have ever shot, they are fast, accurate, easy to maintain and reliable guns.

How did you start playing paintball?
I played paintball for the first time when I was 15 years old for a friends birthday party. I had never even heard of the game before then and had only played lazer tag before. I was instantly hooked on paintball after that and have been playing ever since.
What was your first tournament?
My first tournament was a local tournament at a field I use to play and work at. It was at Venture Games in Clayton California, just a woodsball field with pallets set up as bunkers. Me and the other local reffs entered and played the tournament. It was very different back then because we were using trees for bunkers and playing on the side of a hill. People would even through smoke gernades at us. I think we came in 2nd place and lost to a group of friends that were older than us. Back then it was all about having fun and we did just that. I wouldn't have mattered if we came in last place of first we had fun either way.
The most memorable tournament?
My most memorable tournament was the XPSL Bakersfield 2008 event. After winning the series championship in 2007 with Guns 4 Hire, me and my friends were now playing for team Odonto in 2008. We have always had a friendly rivalry with the Splat Kids, who were a very succesful and talented team. We have been battling it out with them for 2 years meeting eachother in finals on a regular basis. We were playing for first place in the finals agains them in a best of 3. The first game we got a lot of kills off the break and quickly closed in on the last few players of splay kids. When finally there was only there back left corner left, with 6 bodies left allive I knew I could just run him down and finish the game. So I took him on the inside, just as I was about to bunker him he ran out of his bunker toward back center, I already had my gun up and shot him in the face a few times he missed me all together and I stopped running and was walking to grab the flag, when I noticed that he was yelling at the reff that he shot me first and that he was still playing, I checked myself again to make sure I wasn't hit and I shot him again in the back. Some crazy stuff went down and the reffs called some insane penalties on us and gave the first game to the Splat Kids despite the crowdes negative reaction to the reffs decision. But we came back and won the next two games very convincingly to win the tournament.

How did you become an Explicit player?
I have met the owner of the Team ( Rob Montiero and wife Jana) many times in the past. First very casualy at a recreational field in Antioch. Then later at local and national events. They were both very open and kind people and I liked them both from the very first time I met them. I got to watch them develope from a young guns team to a competative D2 team in a very short period of time. I always like the teams dedication and work ethic. Me and Rob have always talked about me coming over and playing with him but I always had prior commitments to other teams. So when Odonto was dispanded in 2008, Rob was the first person I called. Rob picked up myself, and my close friends and teammates Bryan Hammond and Adam Florendo. We played our first event with Explicit in San Diego NPPL D2 in 2008. I knew right then and there that this was a team and family I wanted to be part of.

What does your team mean to you?
To me Explicit means family. I have become very close to my team and feel like they are a second family. We have a tight bond on this team and are growing closer and stronger with every day.

What is your opinion on the paintball in Spain?
Most of the exposure to paintball in other countries I have found through coverage of the Millennium Series. The tournament in Malaga looked amazing. I think the Millennium Series does a great job of promoting the sport and putting on very proffesional tournaments. Its always good to see paintball growing in popularity around the world. Its good to know that there are people like you out there that are promoting the sport in positive ways like this blog. Things like this will be what keeps this sport allive internationaly.
Where do you think you are within 10 years?
10 years is a lot of time and a lot of things can change by then. I will be 40 years old by then and I will still be working as a firefighter in Davis. I don't think my body will be able to play proffesional paintball anymore but Im sure my heart will want to. I will probably still play paintball as long as I can walk, but as far as competition goes I will probably play the Police and Fire leagues at a much lower level just to have fun and hangout with my friends. I look forward to passing this sport on to my children and if I have kids in 10 years I can promise they will be playing paintball.

How many things have you given up for paintball?
I have had to sacrafice a lot for paintball. It has been a part of my life for over a decade. I have given up my weekends for practice and tournaments. So when my friends are all going on trips to the lake and to the mountains to ski, I am waking up early and going to grind it out at the field. I have also made sacrafices at work, having to change my schedule and work extra days in order to get the weekends off for practice and tournaments. So instead of just working a normal 24 hour shift like usual I end up working either 48 or even 72 hours straight to get my weekends off. But most of all I have sacraficed my body for paintball. Running as fast as you can and throwing yourself into the ground takes its toll on you after awhile. I have two bad knees, bad shoulders and a bad back all mostly from paintball injuries. But all of this is worth it, because I would be misserable without this sport. I don't think I could cope with the stress of life without being able to release frustration and anger on the paintball field. It is my favorite outlet for stress.

It has been rumored on the incorporation of a NE Hurricane player to the ranks of SF Explicit. What can you tell us about that?
That is just a rumor that got blown out of praportion. Although the Hurricanes are a great paintball franchise with very talented players, we will not be picking up any of their players. Rob only takes local players on this team because of our demanding practice schedule. I can tell you that we have officially picked up Greg Siewers of the OC bushwackers. We are very excited to have a player of Greg's calibure play with us. His skills and experience will be valuable to our team and we look forward to playing along side him in DC.

Thanks for your time, for me and the paintball Spanish, has been a pleasure. A big hug.

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